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Covid Policy

The following handbook has been compiled and created using the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), Alameda County Department of Health, and the City of Berkeley Public Health Department.


TMS Planning:

TMS has put plans in place to support the protection of staff, children, and their family members. We ask that parents be sure to provide the most up-to-date contact information as we will constantly be sharing information and guidelines with parents and caregivers regularly. All MS staff have been trained on how to communicate with families on the following:

  • Enhanced sanitation practices

  • Physical distancing guidelines

  • Use of face coverings

  • Screening practices

  • COVID-19 specific exclusion criteria.

This information is also provided for you to review in this Handbook.



  • A cleaning crew comes three times weekly to clean all classrooms, bathrooms, and entry halls.  Depending on circumstances, they will deep clean an area.


Other Cleaning Practices:

  • Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of all high-touch surfaces, such as sink knobs, toilet handles, tables, door handles.

  • Designated containers for toys that need to be cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected before being introduced back into the classroom environment.

  • Multiple toys and manipulatives accessible that are easy to clean and disinfect throughout the day.

  • Toys that may be put in a child’s mouth will be cleaned and sanitized frequently.

  • Toys that are difficult to clean (e.g., soft toys) have been removed from the classroom

  • (TMS will only be using cleaning products that have been approved for use against COVID-19)


TMS will take advantage of fresh outdoor air as much as possible. All classroom windows will remain open throughout the program day, and children will spend extended periods of the day outdoors. 

All staff using cleaners or disinfectants will be required to wear gloves and/or eye protection as

required by the product instructions. All products are kept out of children’s reach.



TMS will implement and enforce strict handwashing guidelines for all staff and children. This means handwashing for 20 seconds with soap, rubbing thoroughly after application, and using paper towels (or single-use cloth towels) to dry hands thoroughly.


TMS Staff will also:

  • Reinforce healthy habits such as: wiping noses and coughing/sneezing inside elbows.

  • Practicing hand washing before and after eating, after coughing or sneezing, after playing outside, and after using the restroom.

  • Keeping children’s personal items in individual cubbies to ensure that  they are separate from others.

  • Use bedding for nappers (sheets, sleeping sacks) that are washed weekly. x Cots and mats are labeled for each child. 


TMS Arrival and Pick Up Procedures:

  • Parents/caregivers are to wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up.

  • Parents/caregivers to meet at the facility entryway for pick-up and drop-off of children.

  • Parents/caregivers may not enter classrooms until further notice.

  • Hand sanitizer, gloves and masks will be available to parents if needed.

  • If possible, the same parent/caregiver should drop off and pick up the child every day.

  • Arrival and drop-off times will be set, and we ask that families adhere to the posted times. If a parent needs to pick up outside of these hours, we are requesting 48-hour written notice.


Health Screening:

  • Based on public health agencies’ guidelines, MS will implement screening procedures for all staff, children, and parents/caregivers before they enter the facility. This may include answering a quick, daily health check questionnaire. If anyone at home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test, they will not be permitted to enter the facility. Individuals’ ability to return will be based on current health guidelines and also left to the administration as to what is best for the broader MS community

  • TMS will document/track incidents of possible exposure and immediately notify local health officials, staff, and families of any possible case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • Staff will conduct visual wellness checks throughout the day of all children and ask health questions when concerned.

  • Staff will monitor themselves and children for signs of illness; they will send children home (and go home themselves if necessary) with a fever of 100 degrees or higher, a cough, or other Covid symptoms. 


  • TMS is required to exclude any child, parent, caregiver, or staff showing symptoms of COVID-19. Staff should discuss with the parent/caregiver and refer to the child’s health history form and/or emergency card to identify if the child has a history of allergies, which are not a reason to exclude.

  • If a child is found to be sick on campus, they will be isolated from the group, and parents will be asked to pick up the child within the hour.

  • If a child has been excluded for COVID-related symptoms, upon return, they will be monitored for these symptoms for one full week, including an additional midday temperature check.

  • Coronavirus Symptoms and Procedures

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Chills

  • Repeated shaking with chills

  • Muscle pain

  • Headache

  • Sore throat

  • New loss of taste or smell


The staff member or child’s parent/caregiver shall inform the TMS immediately if diagnosed with COVID-19.

If a staff member, child, or household member is confirmed to have COVID-19:

  • TMS will report the case immediately to all appropriate health agencies and licensing.

  • Temporary closure of the MS might be necessary and will be based on recommendations of the local public health department and licensing agency.

  • Deep cleaning and sanitization will be performed.

  • Families will be informed which classroom is of concern so that they may take the necessary precautions in consultation with their physician.

  • Staff and children in direct contact with the individual will be notified and required to self-isolate for 5 days AND obtain COVID-19 testing. A negative test is required to return to campus.

  • COVID-19 positive individuals may return to MS once cleared by the local department of public health (typically, >7 days from onset of symptoms, afebrile, with two consecutive negative tests 24 hours apart)

  • Families that fail to comply with reporting procedures may be disenrolled from MS.

  • If a staff member, child, or household member has to be isolated because of COVID-19:

  • TMS administration will need to be contacted immediately

  • Child will be allowed to return one full week after completion of at home isolation.

  • During this period the staff, child or household member will need to remain symptom free.


Group Size and Staffing:

  • TMS will be keeping stable enrolled groups of no more that 12 children and will keep the same children and teachers with each group. 


Daily Procedures:

  • TMS will continue to provide developmentally appropriate activities for children.

  • Teachers will create smaller group activities and rearrange furniture and play spaces to maintain 6 feet of separation, when possible.

  • For napping, cots, cribs, and mats will be 6 feet apart, with heads in opposite directions.

  • TMS will greatly reduce time spend indoors by bringing children outside, weather permitting while maintaining physical distancing.

  • Children will be given more opportunities for individual play.

  • All outdoor play equipment will be cleaned and disinfected between use by different

  • groups of children.

  • Teacher will be working with children to help them understand all new health-related changes.



  • Please bring food that can be kept in thermos or refrigerated only

  • We are a NUT FREE CAMPUS

  • Children will conduct meals in a socially distanced manner

  • Proper hand washing will occur before and after eating. TMS uses paper goods and disposable plastic utensils when possible, following CDC and CDPH COVID-19 food handling guidelines.

  • Children or staff will not be able to share or touch each other’s food.

  • Cleaning and disinfecting of tables will happen immediately after meals.

  • Staff will use gloves and mask to handle utensils, and keep food covered to avoid contamination.

  • TMS will implement outdoor meal times if weather allows.


Children’s Belongings:

Infants and Toddlers: Please bring these items for your baby

  • One the first day of the week: Bedding and pillow (if needed), these will be sent

  • home at the end of every week

  • Daily: ONE BAG with milk, lunch with personal utensils (if needed), two change

  • of clothes.

  • Preschool Classroom: Please bring these items for your child

  • On the first day of the week: blankets and pillows (if needed), these well be

  • sent home at the end of every week


  • Daily: ONE BAG with lunch (refrigerated or thermos) and one change of clothes


TMS Administration Contact Information

TMS Executive Director

Haneefah Shuaibe

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