Fast Facts
The Model School is open year-round from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
The Model School currently serves approximately 50 children.
The Model School is closed for approximately 22 days each year for legal holidays and professional development. We close for two weeks for our winter break. The tuition is not pro-rated for days of closure.
All staff must pass a fingerprint background check prior to employment and fully qualify for the position they hold.
Model School staff retention rate is triple the national average.
The philosophy of care and education is play-based and Montessori-inspired.
The Model School provides morning and afternoon snacks. Parents need to provide lunch.
Enrichment Programs

Yoga: A teacher comes every week for 50 minutes to practice yoga with the older toddlers and preschoolers.
Drumming teacher: A drumming teacher comes 4 times a year to work with the older toddlers and preschoolers. She provides the children with a wide variety of percussion instruments.
Dental presentation: A pediatric dentist comes to the MS once a year to do a presentation about oral hygiene to the older toddlers and preschoolers.
Movie night and pajama party: every third Friday of the month, signed-up kids (alumni welcome) change into their PJs after closing time, have a dance party on the playground, and go back inside for a pizza party and a movie. Meanwhile, parents can enjoy a “night out.” The cost is $40.00 a child and $20.00 for each additional child. and part of the proceeds goes to the Parents Group.